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Mr Paul ROSE

Explorer. Broadcaster, National Geographic

A man at the front line of exploration and one of the world’s most experienced science expedition leaders, Paul Rose helps scientists unlock and communicate global mysteries in the most remote and challenging regions of the planet.

Former Vice President of the Royal Geographical Society, Paul is Expedition Leader for the National Geographic Pristine Seas Expeditions.The Royal Geographical Society has awarded Paul the Ness Award and the Founders Gold Medal.

He presents BBC television programmes to report on current affairs, science and the environment. Paul was the Base Commander of Rothera Research Station, Antarctica, for the British Antarctic Survey for 10 years and was awarded HM The Queen's Polar Medal. For his work with NASA and the Mars Lander project on Mt Erebus, Antarctica, he was awarded the US Polar Medal.

A mountain in Antarctica is named after him.


🗓️  DU 3 AU 11 SEPTEMBRE 2021

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