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Dr Ariane AMIN

Lecturer-researcher, UFHB-CSRS

AMIN Ariane Manuela is a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics Science and Management, at the Felix Houphouët Boigny University, Côte d’Ivoire. She is also research associate at the Swiss Center for scientific research in Côte d’Ivoire.  She completed her PhD at the University of Auvergne in France in 2014. 

Ariane Manuela AMIN has been working at the interface of environmental and economic development problematics since 2006. She is currently co-supervising a research group of 40 researchers and is in charge specifically of developing and coordinate research activities in the field of “environmental economics and local economic development“. Ariane has presented her research findings at several conferences and workshops and published peer-reviewed articles in reputable academic journals.

🗓️  DU 3 AU 11 SEPTEMBRE 2021

Présentant à:

Date Heure/Salle Titre Caractéristiques Type de session Thèmes
Mardi 07 Septembre 09:30 - 10:30
H3 - Vital Sites for a Protected Planet
Africa’s Protected Natural Assets: Values of Protected Areas in Africa for Prosperous and Resilient Societies – Report presentation and discussion: What does it mean for practice?
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