Home » Programme » Programme Officiel » Sixth Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020

Sixième réseau mondial de surveillance des récifs coralliens État des récifs coralliens du monde : 2020

Pourquoi assister à cette session?
The GCRMN is releasing the latest Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020. This is the first global status of coral reefs since 2008 by the GCRMN, and the first based on a quantitative analysis of a global dataset produced from contributions from several hundred scientists and organisations from 73 reef bearing countries.
The session will highlight the main trends and recommendations to inform decision-making and strengthen ambition for the protection of coral reef ecosystems. You are invited to join the following speakers: H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco | Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UNEP | Dr. David Souter, AIMS | Dr. Serge Planes, CRIOBE | Dr. David Obura, CORDIO East Africa | Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the CBD | Brian Aggeler, Chargé d’affaires U.S. Embassy, Paris | Jamie Isbister, Ambassador for The Environment, Australia. The session will be moderated by Minna Epps, Director, Global Marine & Polar Programme (GMPP), IUCN. For more information visit: https://www.icriforum.org/events/launch-sixth-coral-reefs-report-gcrmn/
  • Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco [Monaco]
  • IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme
  • International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)
  • Global Coral Reef Monitoring Netwrok (GCRMN)
  • Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (FPA2)
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Gouvernement Princier Principauté de Monaco
  • Government Officers of Sweden Ministry of the Environment and Energy
  • Australian Institute of Marine Science
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