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Ms Sylvie GOYET

Advisor to the Vice President and CEO, Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco

Sylvie Goyet is Advisor to the Vice President, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Prior to that, she was Director, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability programme at the Pacific Community (SPC), based in New Caledonia from 2015 to 2020, and Director General of Fondation Internationale du Banc d’Arguin from 2008 to 2014, working in West Africa on coastal and marine issues. Her past assignments included Regional Coordinator of the GEF MedWetCoast project and Programme Manager positions at WWF International, UNDP Black Sea, UNEP Caspian Sea, and UNDP Fiji. She serves on the boards of Wild Touch Association, Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA), BioGuine Foundation and Global Fund for Coral Reef.

🗓️  DU 3 AU 11 SEPTEMBRE 2021

Présentant à:

Date Heure/Salle Titre Caractéristiques Type de session Thèmes
Lundi 06 Septembre 11:00 - 12:00
H3 - Conservation Finance Pavilion
Conservation Trust Funds 2020
Évènement de l’Exposition
Systèmes économiques et financiers
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Mercredi 08 Septembre 14:30 - 15:15
H3 Central Stage A
Recent evidence of biodiversity collapse in the Mediterranean region : Which solutions to implement ?
en, fr, es
Évènement de l’Exposition
Savoir, innovation et technologie
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