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Reverse the Red - Preserving threatened ecosystems through Parrot conservation

Pourquoi assister à cette session?
The session will be developed through a series of videos describing the most relevant projects and the work carried out worldwide by the Loro Parque Foundation.
There are 394 species of parrots in the world, mostly terrestrial, found mainly in tropical and sub-tropical regions while several species are inhabitants of the temperate regions. South America and Australasia are the two most biodiverse regions as they are the home of 146 and 113 species respectively. Loro Parque Foundation has been preserving habitats for almost three decades, using threatened parrots as flagship species, working with the local communities and offering them sustainable living alternatives. Thanks to this strategy ten parrot species have been downgraded from the IUCN Red List and many ecosystems have been protected thanks to this charismatic animals.

Agenda de la session



Loro Parque Fundación

10:30 - 11:30

  • IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
