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Prof. Wendy FODEN

Head: Cape Research Centre, South African National Parks

Wendy Foden heads South African National Parks’ Cape Research Centre, helping to serve the conservation needs of parks in this region.  She also chairs the IUCN SSC Climate Change Specialist Group which aims to strengthen bridges between science, practice and policy. She is an Associate Professor (extraordinary) at Stellenbosch University and an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Cape Town. Wendy focuses on applied research and on-the-ground support for climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation in natural systems.  She previously led the development of the IUCN SSC’s best-practice guidelines for assessing species vulnerability to climate change, and IUCN’s climate change vulnerability assessment of the world’s birds, amphibians, corals and lemurs. Wendy recently won IUCN’s George Rabb award for innovative conservation and the British Ecological Society’s Marsh award for outstanding climate change research.

🗓️  DU 3 AU 11 SEPTEMBRE 2021

Présentant à:

Date Heure/Salle Titre Caractéristiques Type de session Thèmes
Samedi 04 Septembre 16:20 - 16:40
Virtual Channel 1
Climate change and biodiversity interlinkages: From science-policy assessments to action
Sessions Thématiques
Changement climatique
Savoir, innovation et technologie
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Mardi 07 Septembre 12:09 - 12:24
H8 - 7 Cévennes
Do we dare to translocate marine or terrestrial species beyond indigenous ranges for conservation?
en, fr
Sessions Thématiques
Changement climatique
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