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#OneLess bottle in the ocean – tackling ocean plastic at source by changing the way we drink water

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#OneLess bottle in the ocean - shifting an entire city away from plastic bottled water
We will share and explore how a London-based ocean conservation initiative - the #OneLess campaign - is applying a ‘systems change approach’ to a huge problem; ocean plastic and the world's reliance on bottled water, alongside the disconnect between people and the environment. #OneLess, a collaborative initiative led by ZSL and launched in 2016, is transforming London into the first city where single-use bottled water becomes obsolete. Our approach is changing a complex, disposable and unsustainable system into one where reusable and sustainable alternatives are the cultural norm. We do this by targeting values, behaviour, design, policies, industry systems, government and stakeholders to create lasting change. #OneLess is informed by a growing evidence base and has to date built a network of 80+ pioneering brands and businesses all working to connect people to the ocean, eliminate bottled water and disrupt the current way of doing things with innovations and pioneering activity.

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