Post-2020 global biodiversity framework

At the Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in China (CBD COP15), governments will adopt a new Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to address the ‘nature emergency’ and the action needed to secure the planet’s life support systems. This new Framework will be a truly global framework for all sectors of society.

Home » Post-2020 global biodiversity framework

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021

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The IUCN World Conservation Congress comes just months before CBD adopts this framework. As the largest marketplace of conservation expertise and the only international forum on biodiversity with outcomes decided by governments, civil society and indigenous peoples’ together, the IUCN Congress is a unique opportunity to shape the ambition and galvanize the necessary action at levels commensurate with the challenge we all face. 

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Related motions

Motion ID Title
Ecological integrity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
Recognising, reporting and supporting other effective area-based conservation measures
Recognising and supporting indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and roles in conservation
A call for increased consideration of genetic diversity in IUCN planning and actions
Setting area-based conservation targets based on evidence of what nature and people need to thrive
Enhancing implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity through National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
