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Large Stands

Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Restoration

Shape the nature-based solutions (NbS) movement across the world. Healthy ecosystems are the foundation on which our societie...

Protected Areas Embassy.Russia

Centre "Zapovedniks" works to raise public awareness and support of Russian Protected Areas since 1996. Centre's programs inc...

Pavillon France

The French Pavilion is France's permanent representation space within Parc Chanot. It showcases France's contribution and the...

Vital Sites for a Protected Planet

The Vital Sites Pavilion highlights how fair and effective protected and conserved areas are a foundation for addressing biod...

Reverse the Red Pavilion

The time is NOW: we need to turn around the negative trends in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that show we are pushi...

Post-2020 Partnership Pavilion

The Post 2020 Pavilion will run a six-day programme of substantive sessions at the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2021. The...

Medium Stands

European Union

European Union

Business & Nature Hub

The Business & Nature Hub will inform the critical role of the private sector in meeting global conservation targets and prov...


Join us at the “Canada Stand” to learn about and share innovative approaches for strengthening our collective efforts to ...

Mediterranean solutions

13 Mediterranean Conservation organisations have joined to show the importance of the Mediterranean Basin as a biodiversity h...

Family planning and the environment

Family planning is a recognised human right. Hundreds of millions of people, worldwide, face barriers to exercising this righ...

Oceania-Hawai’i Pavilion

The Oceania-Hawai'i Pavilion will highlight how island communities are responding to the impacts of climate change, invasive ...

Urban Planet

It is ultimately in cities that our Union's vision of "a just world that values and conserves nature" will flourish or flound...

Conservation Finance Pavillon

The Conservation Finance Pavilion, hosted by the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA), provides a central hub to share knowled...

OFB – Office français de la biodiversité

The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) is a public establishment created to protect and restore biodiversity in Metropolitan Fr...

L’Occitane en Provence

As a major IUCN French committee partner and participant at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, L’OCCITANE joins forces w...


UNESCO builds peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture and contributes to the achieveme...

CALAO – Afrique de l’Ouest, Coalition des Acteurs du Littoral Afrique de l’Ouest

CALAO is a multi-stakeholder coalition for coastal conservation in West Africa that brings together around ten partners from ...

Korea Pavilion

Korea Pavilion will showcase Korea's environmental policies, achievements, and contributions to global ecology. In particular...

Ocean and Islands

Comité français de l'UICN

Le Comité français de l’UICN présentera les actions et les propositions du réseau des membres et des experts français ...


In order to mobilise its entire ecosystem and promote common solutions for the preservation of biodiversity, Citeo has outlin...

France Nature Environnement

BEST and beyond

BEST – voluntary scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European overseas – is a European initi...

#NatureForAll Youth Oasis

Build connections with young leaders and their global networks, encourage intergenerational learning, and add momentum to the...

United States Department of State

United States Department of State

IUCN NL pavilion

IUCN NL’s stand at the World Conservation Congress in Marseille is a place where Dutch IUCN members and our local partners ...

Small Stands

A01 CNA (Comité National Avifaune)
A02 Bund Naturschutz in Bayern (Friends of the Earth Bavaria)
A03 Post-2020 Partnership
A04 Octophin Digital
A05 act4nature
A06 act4nature
A07 Securaxis SA
A08 United Plant Savers / IUCN Medicinal Plant specialist group
A12 Capacity Development for Conservation
A32 Enedis
A33 Enedis
A37 Veolia
A38 Veolia
C08 GBIF Secretariat
C10 EURL Grotte Cosquer
C13 Aix-Marseille Université
C16 Population Matters
C17 Global Center for Environmental Legal Studies
C18 Association Française des Parcs Zoologiques (AFdPZ) / French association of zoos
C23 Population Matters
C24 Avioclimatologie indépendante
E02 Nat'H Nature-Harmonie
E03 South American Savannas Matter
E15 COSMED Environnement
E16 COMIFAC - Congo Basin Initiatives
E17 COMIFAC - Congo Basin Initiatives
F02 Cérès Flore
F03 XPRIZE Rainforest
F05 e-biom
F06 NatureMetrics
F09 French Water Partnership
F10 VigiLife
F11 VigiLife
F16 World Water Council
F17 World Water Council
G03 Institute for Integrative Conservation
G04 The Amazon Conservation Team
G06 Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
G07 Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
G08 Natural Solutions
G10 Club des Infrastructures Linéaires et de la Biodiversité
G11 Club des Infrastructures Linéaires et de la Biodiversité
G12 Auddice Biodiversite
G14 Global Pact for the Environment
G16 IUCN Mesoamerica, Caribbean and South America Regional Committees
G17 Amazonia 2.0
G18 Beauval Nature
G19 Beauval Nature
G20 A-IGÉco
G22 L'Homme et l'Environnement
G23 Chemonics
L02 i-Sea
L03 Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve of Jilin
L04 Federation Nationale des Chasseurs
L06 Ministry of the Environment Japan
L09 BeeOdiversity
L10 LPO France
L11 BirdLife International
L12 Wildlife Protection Solutions
L14 Thinking Animals United and the National Whistleblower Center
L15 A Rocha International
L16 AIFM - les forêts du pourtour méditerranéen 
L17 Oceaneye
L20 Arcus Foundation
L21 CSFD - Comité scientifique Français de la Désertification
L22 Przewalski Horse Organization : TAKH
O03 Université de Toulon
O06 IUCN Regional Office West Asia
O08 Université de Toulon
O09 Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar
O10 Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar
O11 The Pew Charitable Trusts
O12 The SeaCleaners
O13 Les Plus Belles Baies du Monde
O16 ProtectedSeas
O19 Eglise verte
O21 Marine Conservation Biology Institute
