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Mrs Stéphanie OUDIN

Cheffe de projet Politiques maritimes euro-méditerranéennes et gestion des territoires côtiers, REGION SUD, PROVENCE ALPES COTE D'AZUR

Stéphanie has a master degree in spatial Planning and ecosystems management and another one in social practices for sustainable development. She has a 20 years experience as a public officer, working on natural protected areas management, leading partnerships and coordinating networks with national and regional natural parks as well as coastal and marine protected areas. She also contributed for over 10 years to implement environmental education and public awareness policies, based on participatory approaches and commitment theory. She integrated the sea and coasts Department of the Region SUD in 2018 where she deals with erosion, submersion and climate change adaptation issues. She is also leading for the Region SUD a european InterregMed project- in partnership with IUCN Med and 7 others partners, called POSBEMED2, which aims at preserving Posidonia Banquette on Mediterranean beaches.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Lunes 06 Septiembre 11:00 - 13:00
Virtual Channel 6
Herramientas y prácticas innovadoras para garantizar una biodiversidad mediterránea saludable y un turismo sostenible.
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