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Associate Fellow; Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs)

Oli Brown has been working on issues related to security, natural resources and environmental change for the past 18 years. He is an Associate Fellow with Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs) and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. He is a member of the Climate and Security Expert Network, a senior advisor to TrustWorks Global (a mediation practice based in Geneva), and serves as a trustee for the Conflict and Environment Observatory (a British NGO drawing attention to environmental damage during conflict).

Between 2014 and 2018 he was based in Kenya where he coordinated UNEP's work to minimise the risks and impacts of disasters, industrial accidents and armed conflicts. From 2010 to 2012 Oli managed a UNEP country programme in Sierra Leone. Oli has a Masters in International Studies (University of Otago, New Zealand) and Environmental Science (SOAS, London).  

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Lunes 06 Septiembre 07:30 - 08:30
H8 - 10 Alpilles
Breakfast with...
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Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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Martes 07 Septiembre 09:00 - 10:30
H9 - B 1 Auditorium - Mercantour
Restoring the fabric of nature and humanity – peace, conflict and environment in a post-Covid world
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Cumbres de Alto Nivel
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