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Mr Nicolas J. A. BUCHOUD

Founding Principal, Renaissance Urbaine

Nicolas J.A. Buchoud is the founding principal of Renaissance Urbaine strategic advisory and the co-founder and president of the Grand Paris Alliance for Sustainable Investments (Cercle Grand Paris de l’Investissement Durable), an awarded not for profit think tank, established in 2011 in Paris. He is the co-chair of the T20 Italy Infrastructure Investment and Financing, and the co-editor of  the global research and editorial project Intersecting. On sustainable urbanization and infrastructure responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.  He is a fellow of the Global Solutions Initiative in Berlin and a member of the board of CIBI (Conseil international pour la biodiversité dans l'immobilier) and of the strategic advisory committee of FRB (Fédération nationale de recherche pour la biodivérsité) in Paris.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Lunes 06 Septiembre 14:00 - 15:30
H8 - 6 Cap Corse
Rompiendo las barreras: ejecutando infraestructura sostenible en un mundo cambiante
Sesiones de corriente temática
Sistemas económicos y financieros
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