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Dr Martin FISHER

Editor of Oryx - The International Journal of Conservation, Fauna & Flora International

Martin Fisher is a conservation biologist with Fauna & Flora International, and the editor of Oryx - The International Journal of Conservation. Oryx is an interdisciplinary journal that has a particular interest in material with the potential to improve conservation management and practice. Martin has an ardent interest in supporting the publication aspirations of all conservationists wherever they live and work. He offers Writing for Conservation workshops for the Conservation Leadership Programme and other organizations, and developed and maintains a freely available online Writing for Conservation manual available at oryxthejournal.org. He recently oversaw the biggest change in the long history of Oryx, the transition to being fully open access. He loves trees, and views them as a metaphor for the long-term personal and financial investment that nature requires.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Lunes 06 Septiembre 09:00 - 10:00
H8 - 10 Alpilles
Let me count the ways: Obstacles and opportunities for access to conservation literature
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