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Ms Julia BETHE

Nature-based Solutions Global Youth Position Statement project Coordinator and Policy Taskforce co-lead, Youth4Nature

Julia Bethe is a climate and nature nexus specialist from France. She holds two Bachelors in History and Biology from Sorbonne University and learned more about sustainable development in the first year of her Master's. She recently graduated from a Climate,

Land Use, and Ecosystem Services Master of AgroParisTech University in Paris and studied the Health Effects of Climate Change during an online course from Harvard University.

At Youth4Nature, she brings her expertise on specific topics such as Nature-based solutions, the private sector actions related to nature, agriculture and food security, and international climate negotiations.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Domingo 05 Septiembre 11:45 - 12:30
H3 - Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Restoration
Nature-based Solutions and Young Professionals - Perceptions and Integration (ACTUAL TIME 12:15-13:30)
Evento de la Exposición
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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Domingo 05 Septiembre 18:30 - 19:30
H8 - 4 Martinique
Global Youth Statement on NbS: Youth involvement on Nature narratives and Nature-based solutions in the international decision making processes context
Sesiones de corriente temática
Cambió climaticó
Derechos y gobernanza
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