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Prof. Binbin LI

Assistant Professor, Duke Kunshan University

Dr. Binbin Li is the Assistant Professor at Duke Kunshan University. Her research focuses on endangered and endemic species conservation in China such as giant pandas, priority setting and management of protected areas, and sustainable infrastructure building in Belt and Road Initiative. She promotes to use of innovative technology, market tools and policies to solve conservation problems and assist sustainable development. She is the IUCN Species Survival Commission expert, associate editor of Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution, and serves on the editorial board of Conservation Biology, Global Ecology and Conservation. Dr. Li is among the inaugural members of the EC50 program of the Explorers Club, which recognizes the “50 people changing the world needs to know about”.  She is a nature photographer and directed the documentary “Secret Worlds of Min Mountains-Wanglang”. She was on the advisory board for Disney nature documentary “Born in China”. 

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Domingo 05 Septiembre 16:22 - 16:26
Virtual Channel 10
Conservation Action Café: Overcoming assessment bottlenecks for biodiversity and conservation: how can technology and knowledge innovation help?
Cafés de acción sobre la conservación
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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Martes 07 Septiembre 19:00 - 19:15
H9 - B 1 Auditorium - Mercantour
Forum Closing
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Ceremonia de Apertura del Foro
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