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Mr Aidan DAVY

Chief Operating Officer, International Council on Mining & Metals

Aidan Davy joined ICMM in June 2007. As COO, he is responsible for strategy development and implementation and lead the work to develop ICMM’s Mining Principles, which define good practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and metals industry. He also leads ICMM's work on environmental issues, including the management of issues relating to biodiversity, climate change, mine closure, tailings and water. Prior to assuming the role of COO in 2015, Aidan led ICMM's work on social and economic development, investor engagement and sustainability reporting.  

Aidan has 34 years of cross-sectoral experience on sustainable development issues, working with a range of private, multi-lateral and not-for-profit organizations, including the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in Washington DC. 

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

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Domingo 05 Septiembre 16:00 - 17:30
Virtual Channel 9
Balancing development, conservation, and social issues related to mining
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Sistemas económicos y financieros
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Martes 07 Septiembre 16:00 - 17:30
H8 - 7 Cévennes
Closing Plenary: Bending the Curve for Landscapes of the Future
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