Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » The Future of Conservation Trust Funds: Innovation from Stability

The Future of Conservation Trust Funds: Innovation from Stability

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
Conservation Trust Funds are essential conservation finance organizations that have proven their viability in countries globally. This session will present the various ways in which CTFs (also called Environmental Funds) build from the stability of an endowment or revolving capital and branch out to explore innovative finance mechanisms.
Conservation Trust Funds are essential conservation finance organizations that have proven their viability in countries globally. This session will present the various ways in which CTFs (also called Environmental Funds) build from the stability of an endowment or revolving capital and branch out to explore innovative finance mechanisms such as impact investing, biodiversity offsets, and other approaches to enhance and expand their impacts.
  • Agence Française de Développement
