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Natural Climate Buffers – a multiple benefit approach | Dutch examples and European ambitions for upscaling the use of natural processes for climate adaptation and mitigation

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
This session explains how nature conservation and development contributes to climate goals (Nature-based solutions), it showcases some typical examples of these ‘Natural Climate Buffers’, including some lessons learned concerning their realization.
In close cooperation with other nature organisations in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe last decade, Natuurmonumenten has developed the concept of Natural Climate Buffers (NCB), a concept which is adopted by Eurosite, the European umbrella organization of nature site managers. Natural Climate Buffers are areas where natural processes get space. Thus they help adapt to climate change, function as carbon sinks and improve the quality of nature. Several NCB projects have been realized the last decade in Europe and many are in progresses at the moment. The session will explain the concept and showcase some typical examples. The applicability of this concept as mainstream climate adaptation and mitigation measures in Europe and beyond are discussed.
  • Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland [The Netherlands]
  • Wetlands International [The Netherlands]
  • Natural England
