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Beyond hunting and tourism: innovations for funding community-led conservation

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
This session will present new thinking on funding models for community-led conservation that go beyond trophy hunting and tourism, which have limitations in a rapidly changing world: if communities are to continue to tolerate wildlife on their land, they need additional incentives schemes to do so.
New thinking and funding innovations to sustain community-led conservation are critical in a rapidly changing world. Community-led conservation traditionally relies on tourism and / or trophy hunting to generate benefits/revenue for communities to sustainably manage and live with wildlife on their lands. However, in the face of global pressures, such as the economic situation; climate change; increasing human populations and consumption; illegal wildlife trade; and global and local politics, both trophy hunting and tourism may soon not be able to generate the needed revenue for communities. This will have particularly harsh consequences for future community conservationists. This session will present the results of community conservation practitioners and funding experts collectively identifying additional large-scale beneficiation and incentive opportunities that can provide funding for community-led conservation at the same/higher level as trophy hunting and tourism.
