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Francine MADDEN

Executive Director, Center for Conservation Peacebuilding (CPeace)

Francine Madden leads the Center for Conservation Peacebuilding (CPeace; www.cpeace.ngo)—an NGO whose mission is to transform deep-rooted social conflict to create lasting solutions for society and nature. With over 25 years as a reflective practitioner, Francine has successfully intervened in a wide variety of controversial natural resource conflicts, using these issues as entry points to target the deeper-rooted relational, systemic and structural conflicts that underpin natural resource challenges. In transforming conflict over wolves in the Washington State, tigers in Bhutan, mountain gorillas in Uganda or ecological restoration in the Galapagos, her efforts have consistently enabled the social conditions for long-term creative, collaborative and shared progress to ensure people and nature thrive.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Lunes 06 Septiembre 11:00 - 12:30
Virtual Channel 4
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Voices from Conservation Frontlines
Sesiones de corriente temática
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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