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Dr Delfin Jr GANAPIN

Practice Leader, Governance, World Wide Fund for Nature - International

Practice Leader for Governance of WWF International since 2017. Global Manager of the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme from 2003 to 2016. In the Philippines, from the mid-70s to the 90s, worked in the field of Social Forestry and organized upland farmers, was the Coordinator of the Philippine Federation for Environmental Concern, and Executive Director of the Foundation for the Philippine Environment. Served under two government administrations as Director of the Environmental Management Bureau, Assistant Secretary and then Undersecretary for Policy and Programs of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Held posts as Member of the GEF Council, of the Executive Committee of the Montreal Protocol, and Chair of the ASEAN Officials for the Environment. Implemented project design and evaluation work as consultant for the GEF, World Bank, UNDP, European Commission, ADB, USAID, AusAID. 

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Domingo 05 Septiembre 16:00 - 17:30
Virtual Channel 3
Advancing the Outcomes of the World Summit on Indigenous Peoples and Nature
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