Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Chaque étape compte: collaboration internationale le long de la voie de migration Est Atlantique

Cada paso cuenta: colaboración internacional en la ruta migratoria del Atlántico oriental

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Do you know that about 90 million of birds travel every year along the Est Atlantic Flyway from their breeding areas in United States Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Siberia and northern Europe to wintering areas in western Europe and on to southern Africa? This is one It is one of the eight major flyways used by waders and shorebirds.
Do you know that about 90 million of birds travel every year along the Est Atlantic Flyway from their breeding areas in United States Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Siberia and northern Europe to wintering areas in western Europe and on to southern Africa? This is one It is one of the eight major flyways used by waders and shorebirds.
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