Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Green Stories

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¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
The “Green Stories” session is an interactive workshop for young participants to practice creative solutions through storytelling. Telling stories is an essential skill all humans have. Storytelling is interactive and immersive. It also creates the sense of connection between the teller and the listener.
This interactive workshop will give a broad introduction to storytelling and story crafting. While everyone has a natural skill to tell stories, crafting them takes some practice. The workshop will present you a simple pattern to a classical story arc. Participants will present play with story crafting in small teams through a gamified process. Once you learn how to use the pattern, you will be able to replicate it in any setting you work, be it conservation, community work or other. Everyone has a story to share. Come and learn how yo turn your story green.

Agenda de la sesión



Co-Chair of the Steering Committee,

14:00 - 15:30

  • IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
  • #NatureForAll
