Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » A2.0 Connected for our forests: The Amazon as a solution for the planet (ACTUAL TIME 16:30-17:15)

A2.0 Conectados por nuestros bosques: El Amazonas como solución para el planeta (ACTUAL TIME 16:30-17:15)

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
Amazonia 2.0 (A2.0) experiences and lessons learned on role of community monitoring and governance for rooted NbS in key Amazonia basin landscapes shared and discussed with a broad audience. Relevance of comprehensive multistakeholder efforts for policy, landscape management and biodiversity conservation in the Amazon basin.
A journey sharing key success factors for conservation efforts in Amazonian forests facing increasing threats, based on the experiences and lessons learned from the regional initiative Amazonia 2.0 (A2.0) –implemented in six countries– from various stakeholders’ perspectives. The event emphasizes the importance of inclusive, transparent and empowering governance processes for effective NbS promoted by local communities (criteria 5, NbS Global Standard). It will begin with 1) a short overview of A2.0. Next, it will continue with a 2) Panel discussion on key success factors for effective conservation of Amazonian forests through community monitoring and governance efforts, as a basis for effective and rooted NbS (based on A2.0 and life experiences of the Amazonian Communities). It will then 3) present solutions from regional efforts showcases A2.0’s regional platform as well as ACTO’s Regional Biodiversity Strategy for Amazonia. Finally, 4) key conclusions on the Amazon as a solution.

Agenda de la sesión


Mr Braulio BUENDIA

Coordinador Proyecto Regional Amazonía 2.0,
United States of America

16:15 - 17:00


Directora Ejecutiva,
EcoCiencia, Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos

16:15 - 17:00

Mr Gilberto NENQUIMO

Presidente Nacionalidad Waorani del Ecuador,

16:15 - 17:00

Mrs Tania AMMOUR

Regional Program Coordinator,
Costa Rica

16:15 - 17:00

  • Eco Redd [Peru]
  • EcoCiencia, Fundación Ecuatoriana de Estudios Ecológicos [Ecuador]
  • Foundation Amazon Conservation Team Suriname [Suriname]
  • IUCN Regional Office for South America (SUR)
  • Fundación Natura Colombia; Amerindian Peoples Association (Guyana)
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