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Dr Plinio SIST

Director of the Research Unit Forests and Societies at Cirad, Cirad

Plinio Sist is the director of the Research Unit Forests and Societies at Cirad gathering 45 researchers and 30 master and PhD students. He is a tropical forest ecologist with more than 25 year experience in South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Costa-Rica) and South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia). He obtained a PhD in 1989 in tropical Biology of the University of Paris 6. He introduced and tested Reduced-Impact Logging in Indonesia in the early 90’s in East Kalimantan. His main interest is to understand the impact of forest resources harvesting on the ecology of tropical forests in order to recommend sustainable forest management practices. He has more than 150 publications and conference presentations on this issue.

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Martes 07 Septiembre 11:00 - 12:30
H8 - 8 Pyrénées
Preservation of tropical forests and terrestrial biodiversity: How to mobilize actors to efficiently tackle imported deforestation?
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