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Dr Emmanuel NUESIRI

Associate Lecturer, African Leadership University (ALU)

Emmanuel Nuesiri is an Associate Lecturer at the African Leadership University (ALU), and editor of the published book 'Global Forest Governance and Climate Change: Interrogating Representation, Participation, and Decentralization'. He holds a doctorate in Environmental Governance from the University of Oxford. He has working experience from Africa, Europe, and the United States. He has been a resource person for organizations including Fauna and Flora International (FFI), Luc Hoffmann Institute, IUCN, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), and the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). He has been a member of IUCN CEESP since 2013, and is a Co-Chair for the IUCN CEESP/GPGR Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF). Emmanuel is currently co-coordinating the establishment of the NRGF community of practice (NRGF-CP).

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

Presentando en:

Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Sábado 04 Septiembre 18:30 - 20:30
Virtual Channel 7
The IUCN Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF): An introduction and learning exchange
Sesión de Campus
Derechos y gobernanza
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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Lunes 06 Septiembre 16:00 - 17:30
Virtual Channel 9
IUCN Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF) Launch
Sesiones de corriente temática
Derechos y gobernanza
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Lunes 06 Septiembre 13:30 - 15:30
Virtual Channel 6
Landscape governance: learning from the field
Sesión de Campus
Derechos y gobernanza
Sistemas económicos y financieros
Conocimiento, innovación y tecnología
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