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Global Synergies On-Site Session 1

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
Session 1 will invite speakers to share their vision for deeper synergies between the GBF and global processes and will identify the gaps in the GBF that may hinder the achievement of greater synergies. Session runs from 14:00 to 15:15.
Day 4 is focused on synergies and addresses whether the GBF is sufficiently aligned with the Paris Agreement, the SDGs, biodiversity-related conventions, and other new global processes such as the UN Food Systems Summit, the UN Ocean Conference and the Decade for Ecological Restoration. Two other important elements of the synergies conservation will include how and where the GBF might be retreating from the Aïchi Targets, and the challenge and opportunity of elevating nature based solutions in the UNFCCC COP-26. There are many important lessons from the Paris Agreement for the GBF negotiations, especially in enabling parties to increase transparency and accountability.

Agenda de la sesión



GYBN Co Founder,
Global Youth Biodiversity Network

14:00 - 15:15
