Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Evening Virtual: Strengthening whole of society mobilisation to improve GBF implementation

Evening Virtual: Strengthening whole of society mobilisation to improve GBF implementation

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
The Evening Virtual is focused on the challenges and opportunities for deepening whole-of-society approaches in the GBF. Session runs from 19:15 to 20:45.
Day 5 is focused on mobilisation for action and addresses how to catalyse the full spectrum of actors to ensure rigorous implementation of the GBF. If we are to avoid the mistakes of Aïchi it will be essential to ensure a whole-of-society approach in the implementation, the accountability, the reporting and the review to ensure that governments uphold their political commitments.

Agenda de la sesión


Mrs Marie-Eve MARCHAND

Business Manager and Strategies,
IUCN WCPA Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force

19:15 - 20:45
