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Dr Baomiavotse Vahinala RAHARINIRINA

Ministre, Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable

Baomiavotse Vahinala RAHARINIRINA, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Madagascar since January 2020, Doctor in economics of the environment and natural resources. His doctoral thesis was precisely on the economic valuation of biodiversity through bioprospecting contracts and the essential oils sector: the case of Madagascar. She has acted for the transitional phase towards the recovery of post-pandemic daily activities, including medical and traditional valuing the contribution and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities, through the use of medicinal plants and other resources offered by nature and the mobilization of local committees and regional task forces in the sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against illegal exploitation and illegal trade in wild fauna and flora

🗓️  DEL 3 AL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 2021

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Fecha Hora/Sala Título Características Tipo de sesión Temas
Sábado 04 Septiembre 16:20 - 16:50
H9 - B 1 Auditorium - Mercantour
Unlocking a Nature-based Recovery: how to rebuild after the pandemic
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Cumbres de Alto Nivel
Sistemas económicos y financieros
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Sábado 04 Septiembre 11:00 - 12:30
H8 - 5 Mer de Corail
Opening Plenary: Realigning Economy and Conservation - Towards a Systemic Change in Economics and Finance
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Plenaria temática
Sistemas económicos y financieros
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Martes 07 Septiembre 18:00 - 19:14
H9 - B 1 Auditorium - Mercantour
Forum Closing
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Ceremonia de Apertura del Foro
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Martes 07 Septiembre 16:00 - 17:30
H8 - 7 Cévennes
Closing Plenary: Bending the Curve for Landscapes of the Future
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