Home » Programme » Programa Oficial » Networks and Alliances to Foster Indigenous People and Local Community Environmental Governance and Livelihoods

Redes y alianzas para fomentar la gobernanza ambiental y los medios de vida de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales

¿Por qué asistir a esta sesión?
This event is intended to be a networking event for global IPLC and supporters.
Before the 2016 World Conservation Congress in Hawai’I, soon to become IUCN-IPO Kua'aina Ulu 'Auamo (KUA)member reached out to as many indigenous people and local community attendees it could reach in order to hold a Global E Alu Pu Gathering ( https://vimeo.com/446405169 )of IPLC and their supporters. Over 100 people met to camp, share stories and break bread over common visions and struggles This space is meant to welcome all of our friends from 2016 and this year's 2021 WCC Marseille attendees to gather and connect. There will be a short informal welcome from Hawai’i and we hope this time and space can be utilized to reach out to each other.
  • IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy (CEESP)
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