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In order to mobilise its entire ecosystem and promote common solutions for the preservation of biodiversity, Citeo has outlined its roadmap around 4 objectives:
- Supporting companies in improving their environmental performance
- Supporting territories on collective commitments for biodiversity
- Raise awareness for citizens on the importance of their actions for biodiversity
- Share experiences, initiatives, good practices at the national & international levels
By supporting companies in their packaging and paper eco-design, in the development of solutions for changing consumption patterns, and by improving the sorting and recycling of packaging, Citeo has been working every day for 30 years to reduce the impact of household packaging and graphic paper on the environment.
At the core of Citeo’s activities, the circular economy makes it possible to increase the efficiency of resources use and limit its wastefulness. This model of production and consumption has many environmental benefits that contribute to the preservation of biodiversity: saving natural resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fighting against pollution coming from littering, etc.
To respond to ecological emergencies and accelerate required changes, Citeo wants to encourage and support economic stakeholders to produce, distribute and consume while protecting our planet, its resources, biodiversity, and the climate.
Join us to discover Citeo’s roadmap for biodiversity.

Eventos que organizamos en el stand

Fecha Hora Título
04 Sept 2021 11:00 - 11:45 DIFFUSION DU DOCUMENTAIRE "FAUT-IL JETER LE RECYCLAGE?" Inicie una sesión para agregar esta sesión a sus favoritos.
04 Sept 2021 18:00 - 18:45 DIFFUSION DU DOCUMENTAIRE "FAUT-IL JETER LE RECYCLAGE?" Inicie una sesión para agregar esta sesión a sus favoritos.
05 Sept 2021 11:30 - 12:15 Signature du projet pilote IDEAL Inicie una sesión para agregar esta sesión a sus favoritos.
06 Sept 2021 11:00 - 11:45 La gestion des déchets, au cœur de la protection et de l’accompagnement des territoires : focus sur les déchets abandonnés Inicie una sesión para agregar esta sesión a sus favoritos.
06 Sept 2021 11:45 - 12:30 Lancement de l'Appel à Manifestation d'Interêt "déchets abandonnés" Inicie una sesión para agregar esta sesión a sus favoritos.
