Strategic Coordinator Belgian Biodiversity Platform/IUCN Councillor
Hilde Eggermont is freshwater biologist (PhD, 2004). She is currently the Strategic Coordinator of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, a national science-policy interface for biodiversity. Her day-to-day activities focus largely on making the bridge between science, policy and practice in the context of European initiatives and global initiatives. She is Vice-Chair of the BiodivERsA Partnership, a Pan-European network of programmers and funders of biodiversity research; and the newly elected Chair/Coordinator of its successor (the European Biodiversity Partnership). She is also the IPBES focal point for Belgium. Other duties include her role as IUCN Belgian Focal Point, Chair of the IUCN European Policy Advisory Group, and IUCN Councillor (2016-recent). She is also founding member and one of the Directors of WCMC Europe, since 2019.