Home » Programme » Speakers » Speaker Hesta GROENEWALD


Associate Consultant, PeaceNexus Foundation

Hesta Groenewald has 20 years’ experience in conflict, peacebuilding and gender work. She has particular expertise on implementing conflict-sensitive approaches and on incorporating gender into conflict analysis and peacebuilding. She previously worked for the international peacebuilding NGO, Saferworld, in a variety of roles, including Conflict Adviser, Regional Head of Programmes and as global Head of Research and Programme Support. Since 2019, she is an Associate Consultant with the PeaceNexus Foundation. In this role, she supports partnerships and collaborative efforts that aim to more strongly integrate conflict and peace issues into environment and conservation work. Most recently, this has included moderating the "Voices for Peace and Conservation" podcast, a collaborative effort between PeaceNexus, the IUCN, WWF Germany and Conservation International.

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Speaking at:

Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Monday 06 September 11:00 - 12:30
Virtual Channel 4
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Voices from Conservation Frontlines
Thematic Stream Session
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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