Indigenous Leader and Coordinator, Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative / Iniciativa de Cuencas Sagradas
Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai is a long time leader from the Achuar Nation of the Ecuadorian Amazon serving the country's indigenous movement. Currently Domingo is the coordinator for the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative for the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE). CONFENIAE represents 11 indigenous nationalities from the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Domingo served as the director of communication for the Achuar indigenous Nation of Ecuador (NAE) from 2000-2003. He is also the founder of the Achuar indigenous community tourism project of Sharamentsa, and served as the Vice President of the CONFENIAE from 1993-1996. Domingo has also served as the Vice-President and later President of CODENPE (Council of Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador) and as a representative of the German Foundation Indio-HILFE.