Home » Programme » Official Programme » Génie écologique en milieu méditerranéen : exemples de solutions fondées sur la nature

Ecological engineering in the Mediterranean environment: examples of nature-based solutions

Why attend
What answers does ecological engineering provide in the Mediterranean environment? Feedback from different countries will illustrate the techniques used, the organization of the actors throughout the project and the key factors of long-term success of these approaches.
Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems are one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. The demographic and economic development of these regions is subjecting these environments to ever-increasing pressures, which are increasingly requiring ecological engineering actors to preserve or restore degraded natural areas. What ecological engineering tools are used to achieve the ecological objectives of the project? Which techniques exist today? Which ones are missing? How, according to the countries, are the actors organized on these projects? What place is given to the economic actors of the territory, as well as to the representatives of the inhabitants and users? How can the agricultural world be a key success factor for the long-term success of the project? How is ecological engineering a Nature-based Solution that can respond to both ecological and social issues?

Session agenda


Mr Matthieu LASSALLE

Acció Ecologista-Agró

Tancat de la Pipa
15:00 - 15:15


Research Fellow,
Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement / REVER - Rése

Calanques National Park
15:15 - 15:30

  • Office français de la biodiversité [France]
  • Society for Ecological Restoration [United States of America]
  • 47727
