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Indigenous Listening Session

Why attend
Join high-profile Western leaders as they pass over the microphone and take an intentional listening role, highlighting the urgent need for the global north to start listening to Indigenous communities, whose sophisticated cultural practices have stewarded vast regions of biodiversity for generations.
Biodiversity, culture and language are deeply intertwined. Throughout history, humans have shaped landscapes and nature. At the same time, diverse cultures, worldviews, lifeways and languages have been shaped by nature, holding a wealth of information about plants, animals, ecosystems, ecological processes and the relationships and interdependencies between them. It’s no coincidence that 80 per cent of Earth’s remaining terrestrial biodiversity lies within land managed or governed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. There is much for Western cultures to learn from listening to the diverse lifeways and perspectives of cultures who remain conscious of their interconnection as one part of the larger ecosystem. To listen to more sessions like this, please visit the Reimagining Conservation space and explore the Flourishing Diversity journey.

Session agenda


Mr Mindahi BASTIDA

Indigenous Leader,
Synchronicity Earth

10:00 - 10:45


Indigenous Knowledge Holder with Indigenous Environmental Network,
Synchronicity Earth
United States of America

10:00 - 10:45
