Home » Programme » Speakers » Speaker Ana RODRIGUES


Senior Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Ecologist with BSc and MSc degrees from the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and a PhD from the University of Sheffield (UK). After postdoctoral experiences at Conservation International (USA) and the University of Cambridge (UK), joined the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 2009. Now a CNRS senior researcher, responsibilities include heading the Department of Dynamics and Conservation of Biodiversity at the research lab “Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology” (CEFE) in Montpellier. Research focus on large-scale biodiversity conservation challenges, particularly related to site-based approaches for conservation. Long term scientific collaborations with the IUCN, including as member of the Species Survival Commission, of the World Commission on Protected Areas, of the Key Biodiversity Areas Standards and Appeals Committee, and of the Task Force on Assessing Conservation Success.

🗓️  3-11 SEPTEMBER 2021
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Speaking at:

Date Time/Room Title Features Session type Themes
Tuesday 07 September 16:00 - 16:47
H8 - 6 Cap Corse
Closing Plenary: Conservation Knowledge for Conservation Impact
en, fr, es
Thematic Plenary
Knowledge, innovation and technology
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