Home » Programme » Official Programme » Conservation Action Cafe - Rights and governance

Upholding Rights and Ensuring Effective and Equitable Governance

Why attend
Conservation Action Cafés aim to generate new partnerships, collect ideas and pledges, discuss emerging issues. This highly interactive format will enable stakeholders to jointly create key outcomes. Facilitated by trained moderators, the two-hour Conservation Action Cafés will each be dedicated to a single Congress theme.
This session will explore some of the key challenges on the implementation of inclusive governance and effective environmental justice, focusing on indigenous peoples and gender equality. This CAC will be structured in a short plenary, followed by a collective intelligence session with four break up groups in which the participants will be invited to discuss forward looking solutions to the challenges ahead relating to inclusion, transparency, empowerment, environmental rights, intergenerational equity, among others. It is expected that this CAC will enable experiences and lessons exchanges with a view of identifying actions the participants are committed to undertake as well as recommendations for IUCN to address in the context of its programme.
