F - Role of Commissions in National and Regional Committees
F - Role of Commissions in National and Regional Committees
Adopts the following amendment to the IUCN Statutes:
(i) Amend Article 72 of the IUCN Statutes as follows: (existing text, if any, to be removed in
strike through; proposed new text in bold)
Part VII – The National and Regional Committees and Regional Fora
Regional Councillors and other members of the Council resident in a State or Region where such Committees and Regional Fora have been established, shall be invited to participate in the meetings and activities of the corresponding National and Regional Committees and Regional Fora. Members of the Commissions resident in such State or Region, may be invited to participate in meetings and activities of the National and Regional Committees and Regional Fora. Each Commission may nominate an official representative of the Commission, resident in such a State or Region who may attend, and speak at, meetings of the governing bodies of the National and Regional Committees, without a right to vote.