113 - National Plan for the Sustainable Management of the Guanaco in Argentina

113 - National Plan for the Sustainable Management of the Guanaco in Argentina

Latest version in this language: Version for electronic vote | Published on: 30 Sep 2021

RECALLING that the guanaco’s distribution range includes Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Peru and that the species is considered to be in danger of extinction in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru;

CONSIDERING that over 80% of the guanaco’s population occurs in Argentina and that its density is highly variable there;

RECOGNISING that for over a century, a gradual, continuous desertification process has been taking place in Argentine Patagonia, which means that significant areas are now seriously degraded;

CONSIDERING that the livestock sectors wrongly blame the guanaco for the degradation of pastures grazed by sheep, and recently promoted extractive management measures on some of the populations in the far south of its range;

HIGHLIGHTING the fact that the guanaco can be a valuable resource, since it has one of the finest animal fibres in the world, which allows for the development of an alternative product that is complementary to sheep farming;

BEARING IN MIND that in 2019 the National Plan for the Sustainable Management of the Guanaco in Argentina was approved, which facilitates the extractive use of wild guanacos to obtain their meat, skins and fibre, and the interprovincial transit of the products obtained through commercial hunting;

CONSIDERING that there are doubts about the feasibility of meeting the proposed goal of achieving the sustainable use of guanaco populations and about certain measures contained in the National Plan, in particular the extraction of guanacos from the wild;

RECOGNISING that the scientific and technical sectors pointed out shortcomings in the approved National Plan, that these opinions were not given serious consideration, and that the distribution of the guanaco in Argentina involves 15 provinces and that only a few of them were consulted; and

HIGHLIGHTING the fact that an extensive consultation of the sectors involved would significantly improve the abovementioned National Plan for the Sustainable Management of the Guanaco in Argentina;

The IUCN World Conservation Congress, at its session in Marseille, France:

ASKS the Argentine Government to:

a. suspend the implementation of the recently approved National Plan for the Sustainable Management of the Guanaco in Argentina in order to introduce changes aimed at guaranteeing the viability of the management of guanaco populations across its entire national distribution range, and the effective control of overexploitation and poaching;

b. draw up, by consensus with all the sectors involved and the provinces in the guanaco’s distribution range in Argentina, a revised National Plan for the management of the guanaco that takes into account the scientific background to the management of the species and its conservation status across its entire distribution range in that country; and

c. ensure that the revised National Plan includes an effective traceability system for the trade that allows the fibre obtained from the live-shearing of guanacos to be identified and differentiated from the fibre obtained from the shearing of dead animals, the marketing of which is not recommended.

  • Así Conserva Chile [Chile]
  • Asociación Guyra Paraguay Conservación de Aves [Paraguay]
  • Centre international de droit comparé de l`environnement [France]
  • Centro Desarrollo y Pesca Sustentable [Argentina]
  • Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera [Spain]
  • Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales [Argentina]
  • Fundación Biodiversidad [Argentina]
  • Fundación Habitat y Desarrollo [Argentina]
  • Fundación RIE - Red Informatica Ecologista [Argentina]
  • Pro Natura / Friends of the Earth Switzerland [Switzerland]
  • Sociedad Geológica de España [Spain]
  • Wildlife Conservation Society [United States of America]
  • Wildlife Trust of India [India]
