National biodiversity plan

The IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020 in Marseille is fully integrated into the commitments made by France with the adoption of its Biodiversity Plan in July 2018.

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Structured around 6 strategic areas, 24 targets and 90 actions, the Biodiversity Plan addresses the issue of preserving and restoring biodiversity as a whole. In particular, it aims to achieve the goal of no net biodiversity loss (reflected in the 2016 law on Reclaiming Biodiversity, Nature and Landscapes) and to accelerate the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy (2011-2020). Moreover, raising awareness and a general mobilization of the public around biodiversity issues, are amongst the flagship ambitions of the Biodiversity Plan.

The 6 areas of the Biodiversity Plan are:

  1. Reclaiming biodiversity in territories
  2. Building a pollution-free economy with a low impact on biodiversity
  3. Protecting and restoring nature in all its dimensions
  4. Developing an ambitious European and international biodiversity roadmap
  5. Learning, educating, training
  6. Improving the effectiveness of biodiversity policies

From 2004 to 2010, sectoral action plans have contributed to the preservation of biodiversity. Subsequently, between 2011 and 2020, the National Biodiversity Strategy (SNB) have aimed at a greater engagement of actors in all sectors of activity, at all territorial scales, in metropolitan France and overseas. Since 22 May 2021 (International Biodiversity Day), France's third biodiversity strategy is being developed, fuelled by public consultations. These consultations are an opportunity to gather opinions and proposals for action in favour of biodiversity, since this issue concerns us all and we are all part of the solution.

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Marine Natural Park of Cap Corse and Agriate.
Cap Corse and Agriate Marine Natural Park. Photo: Florian Holon / CARTHAM / Agence française pour la biodiversité (AFB)

